The North Wales High School Class of 1953 recently held its 55-year class reunion at Indian Valley Country Club in Franconia.
They had 26 members in the class and 21 are still living. Of the surviving members, 17 were at the reunion, making a 75 percent attendance record.

Members of the reunion committee were Gerry (Geyer) Nelson, Jay Kratz, Al Ruber, Bob Fredericks, Peggy Fenstermacher and Carole Fredericks.
And the photos featured today show the class at its prime.
In the graduation class photo, the members of the class are shown before taking part in the graduation services that were held in the high school auditorium.
And don’t you just love the students taking part in the minuet, as part of the assembly at the high school?

This photo was featured in The Reporter on Feb. 27, 1953, and shows students performing the minuet at the annual Washington’s Birthday assembly at North Wales High School.
According to the caption, the dance is being performed by Elaine Parvin and Charles Wagner, Gail Adams and Allan Hoffman, Gerry Geyer and Robert Frederick, and Edna Quinn and Wayne Schwartzer.
Bet the guys loved wearing white stockings and wigs!