For the cause
With the patriotic holiday of July Fourth approaching, we decided to revisit some items from the “North Penn Photo Revue,” which was published in September 1946 and showcased “The North Penn Victory Celebration” after World War II.
Young and old alike were pressed into service in this area during World War II.
In one photo featured today, we see members of the H.O. Club of Lansdale, as they sew for the Needlework Guild of America.
From left (in back) are Joan Jenkinson, Joyce Boyles, Nancy Cooper, Mary Jane Maguire, Nancy Clayton and Petty Sellers. Seated on the floor from left are Betty Jane Fellman, Joan Worman and Peggy Steel.
In the other photo, we see the American Red Cross Surgical Dressing Group in Lansdale, which was sponsored by the Lansdale Soroptimist Club.
At work in this photo are Mrs. A.K. Steel, Mrs. Leroy Wismer, Mrs. Wellington N. Nyce, Mrs. William Clauser, Mrs. G. Edgar Hirzel, Mrs. Blanche Jenkins, Mrs. Jesse K. Cope Jr., Mrs. Gladys Weisel, Mrs. Elsie Armstrong, Mrs. Louis M. Werner, Mrs. Paul O. Fehnel, Mrs. Bessie Happell, Mrs. Raymond C. Cotter, Mrs. Joseph Kriebel, Mrs. J. Russell Kramer, Mrs. Frank Martin, Mrs. Roy W. Schweiker and Mrs. Lester Fisher.