Back in fourth grade ....
Ellis Kriebel of Harleysville was kind enough to share this photo — and provide the names of the children shown.
In the front row, you see Ernest Ziegler, Donald Dager, Clair Clemens, Harrison Metz and Willard Detwiler. Those are some snazzy socks on the young men.
In the second row, we have Frances Maksen, Janet Weaver, Gladys Troxel, Irene Metz, Betty Swartly, Irene Kriebel, Lola Gehman, Betty Reinford, Dorothy Garis and Cora Tregea.
In the third row you see Loraine Kriebel, Doris Hendricks, Thelma Kriebel, Betty Allebach, Marian Lackner, Eva Rittenhouse, Elsie Cook, Marie Hendricks and Esther Clemens.
Featured in the fourth row are Robert Alderfer, Carl Hoepfl, Harold Fritz, Harold Rittenhouse, Eugene Schlegel and Charles Rea.
If you’re counting, that’s 30 students in that class.
The teacher, Louise Schlumberger, is not shown in the photo. Maybe she escaped for a well-needed rest.