The right holiday prescription
With the holidays upon us, it seems only fitting to feature two photos today that show the nurses at the former North Penn Hospital gathering for a little holiday cheer.
Mary Ellen Palermo of North Wales shared these photos with us, and noted that they were taken during the 1970s.
She also noted that, back then, nurses always were in uniform and their caps were reflective of the school of nursing where they had graduated.
She was able to supply some of the names for the photo that shows the nurses gathered in front of the Christmas tree.
They include herself, in the back row, second from right; and two other nurses in that row named Kitty and Samogie. That’s all the information for that row.
The women in front are identified as Jackie Gilkie, Maggie Mulhearn and Mary McCoach.
The nurses in the other photo, shown with “Santa,” are not identified. But we wonder just what it is that Santa is receiving in that IV...
So when you gather for your holiday parties this week and next, think back on these nurses who worked at North Penn Hospital, in their crisp uniforms and distinctive caps.
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